Monday, January 4, 2010


If you are near or over the age of 35, you need to go to the doctor and get a complete physical.  Inform the doctor that you are interested in a baseline physical.  A baseline is a starting point, a place of reference of your health as it stands today.

I know, being a man myself, that men are adverse to seeing doctors.  Please go, it is the best thing you can do, even if you don't trust doctors.  And if you adhere to the philosphy of "ignorance is bliss", in this case, what you don't know can hurt you; especially when you start to exercise.  Going to the doctor is the best thing for you at this time since they can check the overall condition of you internal body functions. 

My doctor is an Internal Medical Doctor and he is great.  On my first visit, I was completely on the defensive and it must have shown.  However, he had me have blood drawn for a full lab checkup and collect a stool sample, yes checking your poop.  The blood work will point out items on how your internal organs are working and your poop for proper bateria, cancer and any excessive bleeding.  Oh yea, you should be aware, this is for guys, you should have a "complete physical" including the old finger up the yahoo!  A vital  part for checking the health of your blow hole.  Believe me that colon cancer is not something you want to have.  Research information on the late President Ronald Regan.

The only reason why I'm am so firm on seeing a doctor is that I had hypertension and didn't even know it.  Hypertension is called the silent killer.  Most people who have it don't know it and then one day BOOM a heart attack.  A heart attack is a major bummer as a portion of your heart dies and it doesn't grow back like a lizard's tail.  Once it's gone, you have just passed the point of no return and your ability to exercise has greatly diminished. 

Granted, nobody likes bad news, but most medical issues like hypertension can be treated.  Once under control with diet and medicine, you will be able to exercise and not be hampered by a ticking time bomb. 
Please call and see the doctor this week.  Don't put it off.  You have taken the first step to better health by choosing to exercise.  Take the next step.

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