Friday, December 31, 2010

How did we do in 2010?

It's the last day of 2010.  How did we do this year? 

As I look over my spreadsheet that records my exercises for the year, I must say I did pretty good.  Despite starting the year with surgery on my head for skin cancer, I lifted weights for 86 days of the year and worked out my cardio system for 148 days of the year with a total of 338.4 miles.

When considering the year in review, I endured a few injuries with my shoulder fracture being the worst and my ankle & knee sprains being the least disturbances.  There were lots of days for vacation and rest, yet overall I am very pleased with my progress.  I feel stronger and healthier today than I have in many years.

The main items for this year are the faithfulness of my God, commitment to my goals, and working around or adjusting my exercise to disruptions.  When I work out, I spend time listening to Bible studies which builds my spirit as I'm working on my body.  My spirit will live forever, my body maybe another 40 years (if I live as long as my Dad did).  While I'm extending my physical life, I must not neglect my spiritual life. 

Likewise, my goals for exercise must be more than just looking good or being healthy; they have to be more than personal.  My goal is to be here on earth for my wife and kids, to love them as God requires me to do.  When it's raining or freezing cold outside, this goal gets me off the couch and out there. 

Lastly, blessed are the flexible, for they will not be broken when they are bent.  The year has had it's challenges with physical injury, travel, and other disruptions.  I have had to modify and adapt my workout to fit the changing climate of my life.  All working to complete my goals.

How did you do this year?  What are you planning for 2011?  I'm still focused upon my goals; weight is not one of them.  I tell you why next time.

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